Tutorial Step by Step Connect to Telkomsel Flash

To the point...let's begin this step by step connection to Telkomsel Flash :

Step 1 Preparation Connection :

Open control panel --> Network Connection --> create a new connection,will show up new connection wizard than click next --> click next --> click radio button set up my connection manualy --> click next --> click next --> insert in the ISP Name box anything you like eg: telkomsel --> click next --> insert *99***1# in the Phone number box --> userename,password is blank, don't insert anything --> click next --> click finish.

Step 2 Preparation modem connection :

Open control panel --> Phone & Modem Options --> choose tab modem --> click active modem and then click properties button --> click tab Advance --> insert in the Extra initialization commands : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","flash"
--> click ok button then ok again.

Start the conection with this intruction:

Click start button then point to connect to after that click the connection name eg: telkomsel and the last step klick dial button.

If you use vpn, in the browser setting use direct connection that means use no proxy
in configuration settings.

This is the step to install pvn :
download vpn aplication in this link
than install just click next until finish.

Extract all cert file to c:/program files/openvpn/config.

Start the openvpn gui --> connectto the server with right click openvpn in the bottom right corner double computer icon in red colour until change to green colour then browsing....thats all

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